What to Look for in the Stock Analysis Software

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Trading is truly a field where you get whatever you put into it. Many successful traders are extremely dedicated to their craft and analyze data to make well-informed decisions.  They can see the best returns and results from their efforts because they spend a great amount of time researching, planning and coming up with their own unique strategies that fit best with their personalities. Many traders say that you are only as good as your last trade and this holds true in many instances.

How can you exercise the utmost caution to get the best possible results? You may want to consider stock analysis software to help you analyze the data.

Why Use Stock Analysis Software

Today’s trading platforms can provide incredible insight, news and real-time data so that you are in the know and able to make data driven decisions in your trading. Most platforms also offer a robust set of tools and indicators that help analyze past performance and forecast potential changes by access to hundreds of indicators. An example would be the moving averages or Fibonacci charts. Having a clear understanding of how these programs work and how they should be used is critical in your trading success.

Trade smart and make educated decisions by using the best stock analysis software. It may help you to be well-informed before making your next trade. Strategically calculating your risks can give you a possibility to land on your feet. Therefore, take the necessary time to research and find the right stock analysis software.

Choosing a Stock Analysis Software

There are a lot of features and data you need to review before choosing the right stock analysis software. To help you make an informed choice, we have compiled some of the items you should review.


One of the most critical factors in a stock analysis software is not the features it offers but how reliable and stable it is when being used. Many may have compatibility issues like requiring certain system or hardware specifications to run properly. Ensure that you test or take a trial run of the stock analysis software before committing to one and measure its speed and responsiveness with a higher than normal set of charts.


centerpoint securities broker best online stock trading software

Even the most expertly developed program in the industry is useless if no one can understand how to use it. That’s why it’s essential to have a good interface that is easy to understand, operate, and offers a comprehensive support in case you may have questions. Any type of options to tailor the interface for your specific requirements is always a positive feature.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is another factor to evaluate during the discovery phase as it can save you time and ensure that your analysis goals are achieved efficiently. Stock analysis software that offers the ability to save favorite settings or views are preferred by many active traders.

Advanced Analytical Tools

The primary purpose of a stock analysis program is to have advanced and in-depth charting capabilities which will help you make the right decision when making a trade. Charts can provide a story based on the price action and you should have options to view that story in multiple time frames and using both candlestick and bar charts. Indicators are also critical as they provide insight using statistical methods over time. An example would be moving average indicators that help identify support and resistance price levels. Dynamic indicators such as MACD, RSI and Stochastic also help identify overbought and oversold states.


Any program that you end up choosing should give you complete customization and control so at the end of the day, every decision that you make is your own. After all, what you are looking for is the ideal stock analysis program, so its primary function is to analyze the market and your investments. In addition to comprehensive data, the program should also provide you with tools that give you complete control over how you would like to trade.

The Verdict

As you can see, there are various factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right stock analysis program. Making the right decision is important, especially if you are a full-time trader. Contact us today for questions and learn more about our robust trading platforms with analysis capabilities such as Sterling Trader Pro.

The information contained herein is intended as informational only and should not be considered as a recommendation of any sort. Every trader has a different risk tolerance and you should consider your own tolerance and financial situation before engaging in day trading. Day trading can result in a total loss of capital. Short selling and margin trading can significantly increase your risk and even result in debt owed to your broker. Please review our day trading risk disclosuremargin disclosure, and trading fees for more information on the risks and fees associated with trading.

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