Routes and Fees

RouteAdding LiquidityTaking LiquidityAdditional InformationTime of Operation (ET)
AGGS-0.0032-0.0032Instinet Smart Order Router4:00AM - 8:00PM
ALGO-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool Algo Suite Order Entry9:30AM - 4:00PM
ARCAS0.002-0.0032Posts on ARCA, takes as a Smart Order Router. No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)4:00AM - 8:00PM
ARCS*0.002-0.0032Posts on ARCA, takes as a Smart Order Router. No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)4:00AM - 8:00PM
CFAN 0.002-0.0028Coda Markets Smart Order Router (Net1). No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)7:00AM - 5:00PM
CLST*-0.002-0.002Clearstreet Market Maker Wheel Route for OTC Securities9:30AM - 4:00PM
CPGO*-0.002-0.002Smart Order Router (Net1), first destination PDQ ATS7:00AM - 5:00PM
CPGOS00Sage Smart Order Router (Net1)4:00AM - 8:00PM
CPMM-0.0015-0.0015Coda Markets Market Maker Wheel Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
DHYD-0.003-0.003Coda Markets Dark Pool Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
DKAP-0.004-0.004Clearpool Dark Pool TWAP router, will work the order from time of entry to 4:00 PM EST9:30AM - 4:00PM
EDGA-0.0032-0.0032EDGA through CODA Markets9:30AM - 4:00PM
EDGX0.002-0.0032EDGX through CODA Markets. No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)7:00AM - 5:00PM
FAN*0.0015-0.0032Virtu Smart Order Router. No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)4:00AM - 8:00PM
HEAT-0.002-0.002Speedroute Market Maker Wheel Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
LAMPFREE00Lamp Smart Order Router (Net1)4:00AM - 8:00PM
LIMIT-0.002-0.002Smart Order Router, first destination PDQ ATS (CPGO)7:00AM - 5:00PM
MARKET-0.002-0.002Smart Order Router, first destination PDQ ATS (CPGO)9:30AM - 5:00PM
STOP-0.002-0.002Smart Order Router, first destination PDQ ATS (CPGO)9:30AM - 5:00PM
NITE-0.002-0.002Virtu Market Maker Route9:30AM - 4:00PM
NSDQS0.002-0.0032Posts on NSDQ, takes as a Smart Order Router. No rebates on stocks under $1 (0.0005 per share fee)4:00AM - 8:00PM
NYSE-0.0035-0.0035NYSE through Instinet9:30AM - 4:00PM
OTCP-0.0035-0.0035Clearpool Market Maker Wheel Router for OTC Securities9:30AM - 4:00PM
OTCX**-0.001-0.0045OTCX Route for OTC Securities9:30AM - 4:00PM
PDRK-0.0025-0.0025Coda Markets Dark Pool Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
PIOC-0.001-0.001Coda Markets Market Maker Wheel Router, immediate or cancel only9:30AM - 4:00PM
PMID-0.0025-0.0025Coda Markets Mid-Point Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
PSMT-0.0024-0.0024Coda Markets Smart Order Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry to 4:00 PM EST9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP15-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry for 15 minutes9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP2-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry for 2 minutes9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP30-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry for 30 minutes9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP5-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry for 5 minutes9:30AM - 4:00PM
TWAP60-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool TWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry for 60 minutes9:30AM - 4:00PM
VWAP-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool VWAP Router, will work the order from time of entry to 4:00 PM EST9:30AM - 4:00PM
XALL*-0.0032-0.0032Clearpool Smart Order Router4:00AM - 8:00PM
XDAG-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool Dark Pool Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
XDRK-0.002-0.002Clearpool Market Maker Wheel Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
XMID-0.0025-0.0025Clearpool Mid-Point Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
SMRT00Instinet Options Smart Order Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
DSMT00Dash Options Smart Order Router9:30AM - 4:00PM
COMP00Instinet Complex Options Smart Order Router9:30AM - 4:00PM

All routes available on CenterPoint Pro

* Select routes available on CenterPoint Web

1 Net Trading Route. Please see Clear Street LLC’s net trading disclosure.

Rates are subject to change at any time. Please call the support desk for most up to date pricing (1-844-811-0118). Adding liquidity for stocks <$1.00 will incur a charge of 0.0005 Route times are Eastern Standard Time On DAS, all routes above will end in ‘L’ or ‘M.’ Use ‘L’ for Limit orders and ‘M’ for Market orders

Regulatory Fees:

Section 31 Fee: $0.0000229 per $1.00 of principal amount sold NSCC, DTC Fees: 0.00004/share (Maximum 0.5% of trade value) Trading Activity Fee: $0.000130 per equity share ($6.49 max). $0.00218 per options contract. The “Section 31 Fee” applies to certain sell transactions, assessed at a rate consistent with Section 31 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. CenterPoint Securities remits these fees to certain self-regulatory organizations and national securities exchanges, which in turn make payment to the SEC. These fees are intended to cover the costs incurred by the government, including the SEC, for supervising and regulating the securities markets and securities professionals. The rate is subject to annual and mid-year adjustments which may not be immediately known to CenterPoint; as a result, the fee assessed may differ from or exceed the actual amount of the fee applicable to your transaction. Any excess may be retained by CenterPoint. Fees are rounded to the nearest penny.


All routes are directed to other broker dealers for execution. The descriptions listed above are based on information provided to us by these brokers. The smart routers, and logic programmed into the routers that determines order destination, is under full control of the brokers that receive the orders. **Any stock under $1/share will incur a $0.0045/share routing fee when using the OTCX route.